Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New field ops!

Click on you spy phone.

 Accept the Field Ops

Go to the dock and walk behind the boat.

Circuit breaker!

And your done!

Another New Pin!

Apparently there is another new pin! Two at the same time! The carrot pin in the Night Club.


Friday, October 8, 2010

New pin!!!

Hi everyone. There is a new pin! Its a feather and is at the mine shack, behind the snow bear.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

New Pin ALERT!!!

Hey everyone! There is a new pin on Club Penguin. It is a sandwich. You know what? i noticed that Club Penguin keep putting the pin in the same location. First the barrel in the book room, then a few months later, the fall fair ticket! Here is the location for the pin though!

Go to the forest and enter the hidden lake by going under the big boulder...

Then walk up the stairs on the left.

Walk over to the pin

Click yes to add it to your inventory...

Have fun!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

People I met at the Fall Fair...

Hi penguins!! At the Fall Fair 2010 I met some awesome people! I met Rockhopper about 10 times and even saw Cena12121 a few times!! But best of all i had an awesome time with my best Club penguin buddy Mini Pengy18. Mini has a cheats site called mpclubpenguin.wordpress.com!! Check out these pictures of Cena and Rockhopper!

Rockhopper says 'So I asked yarr for some stinky cheese'

Enjoy! Pictures of Mini Pengy18 with me will be on the site soon!


New Pin!!!

Hi everyone! There is a new pin on Club Penguin. It is the Fall Fair ticket. It is in the book room on the bookcase. Check it out!



Monday, September 6, 2010

New Prizes!!

Hi penguins! Today Club Penguin cam out with new prizes at the Fall Fair prizes at both the ordinary and member booths.

In the member one there is the popcorn and the balloon along with the blue paddle.

The ordinary booth got a fuzzy blue viking helmet and the sparkly green hat.

Enjoy them while you can! They only last for two more days before the Fair ends!!!
