Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rockhopper is coming!

Hi! During the Fall Fair, Rockhopper will be around Club Penguin. So I have made my own tracker which i update everyone 10-15 minutes with the server and location of Rockhopper.

I hope this tracker works for you!

In other news, Rockhopper is definitely coming! You can see his ship the Migrator getting closer and closer to the Beach, packed with supplies for the party.


Monday, August 30, 2010

Field Ops Mission 12

Hi Penguins! Club penguin has released a new field ops today. Here is the guide.

First click on your spy phone and go to EPF headquarters. The waddle over to the field ops screen and except your mission which is:

Then go to the Snow Forts and waddle over to the clock tower, underneath the snowball target.

The mission will be:

This is probably the hardest and most time consuming mission so be careful.


Sunday, August 29, 2010

More Mystery!!

Guess what penguins. Well the mystery message that was on the EPF screen has gotten even more mysterious. I was at headquarters today when i spotted something cool. In the top left corner of the EPF hq there are two screens with a lot of code next to it. And guess what was on the screen?

A minuscule picture of the beach and the cove!!! That just proves that something is going to happen in those two locations!!!

You can see the red and white stripes of the lighthouse in the left screen and the surf hut on the right screen!! Something is definitely going on!!

Leave a comment!


Friday, August 27, 2010

Squidzoid vs. Shadow Guy and Gamma Girl Returns

Hi penguins. Today the play 'Squidzoid vs. Shadow Guy and Gamma Girl' has returned to the stage. Check it out there. It has lots of cool features if you click on the Switchbox 3000.

Me at the Stage

New Igloo Setting

Hi penguins. Club Penguin has made it so that now you can save your igloos. It doesn't keep the furniture layout but if you have a rare igloo yet have your eye on something else you can switch to a new igloo.

This way you can have many different igloos without having to pay for a new one each time. Take a look at the instructions.

Go to your igloo and click on 'edit igloo'

Then click on the box with your items and click on the igloo pictures. Then you will see all your previous igloos.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Hi penguins! A new pin has just been released about an hour ago! It is in the cave which you can access from the boiler room, the mine, or the plaza. It is an igloo.

'Igloo' pin

Fall Fair Preparations!

Hay everyone! The Fall Fair is arriving fast. Preparation boxes have been set up at the beach. Rumor has it is that Rockhopper is returning with the finishing touch to the party.

Take a look at the pictures.


Tuba Chaos?

Oookk seriously tuba penguins!! Weird stuff is going on! First the Town Tubas, then the Iceberg Tubas and now the Nightclub Tubas, the most successful tuba-ing yet.

Check out the pics:






More to come on the rioting penguins on the server Alpine.



I just logged into CP on Alpine to find that the town was full and no one could get in. After 5 minutes of trying i finally got to see what all the fuss was. There were a hundred penguins in the town shouting for their old cp back.

I know what the old cp is like. My penguin is 1100 days old. It was simpler and everyone could do everything. Now, Disney has taken over and only want money. That is why they are changing all the games so only members can play them.

Here are some pictures of what is going  on right now in the Town.
In this picture someone shouted 'smile for old cp'. Now everyone is smiling.

Everyone's slogan at this riot seems to be:


Come join in the riot at the server Alpine.

Art For Haiti Finalists Announced!

Club Penguin has said that they want penguins to submit a picture to club penguin for a mural at a new school in Haiti they are funding. Billybob just announced the four finalists in his latest blog post:

Hello Penguins!

For everyone taking part in our Art for Haiti project, today's an important day... It's time to vote for our finalist!

After careful consideration, the team has picked the top 4 submissions. Now everyone needs to decide which picture to paint for the mural in Haiti.

Here they are - Bella Stars, Mochileiro 7, Cadogs, Mickey1216:

It is clear from these results that the majority of penguins favor Option D.

Post a comment on which one you think is the best.


A new Newspaper has been released today and there was an article about the fall fair preparations. It seems the party will be full of magic and have lots of prizes. You can check out the full story at Club Penguin by clicking here.

Check it out!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

EPF Mystery Message

Today there has been much talk over the alleged mystery message in the EPF Command Room of Club Penguin. I decided to investigate myself...

Normally the giant screen would look like this...

However when there are more than ten people in the Command Room, the screen will flicker and start to show a message. It shows things like three different areas on club penguin. Two of them are clearly the Cove and the Beach.

Can this be the EPF putting up new entrances in and around the island?

Leave a comment on what you think will happen...

For a guide to Field-Ops Mission 11 click here

Surfing Catalogue

At the Cove on Club Penguin you can buy a choice of three surfboards. A pink flowery one, an orange fiery one or a sleek silver one. The silver surfboard is hidden though.

To buy a surfboard go to the Cove and either click on the blue paper taped to the surfboard or click on the blue sheet in the bottom right corner.

Then you will see two surfboards but not the silver one. For the silver one click on the 'Waves' in the title of the catalogue.

The silver surfboard is overall much faster and cooler that the other two. It costs 800 Coins and you have to hold it to surf with it.

My Player Card

Hi everyone! This is my player card so if you see me around then friend me! And yes I do have fifty-thousand coins.

See you around!

New EPF Tactical Gear

This week Club Penguin has added the Tactical Gear. Just click on your spy phone and on the Elite Gear button.

Then Click on the tactical tab and you will se the new tactical gear.


New Field-Ops Mission 11

Click on your spy phone and go to the EPF headquarters. 

Then go to the lighthouse and walk over to the speaker in the bottom left hand corner.

The mission is to break the circuits.