Saturday, September 25, 2010

New Pin ALERT!!!

Hey everyone! There is a new pin on Club Penguin. It is a sandwich. You know what? i noticed that Club Penguin keep putting the pin in the same location. First the barrel in the book room, then a few months later, the fall fair ticket! Here is the location for the pin though!

Go to the forest and enter the hidden lake by going under the big boulder...

Then walk up the stairs on the left.

Walk over to the pin

Click yes to add it to your inventory...

Have fun!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

People I met at the Fall Fair...

Hi penguins!! At the Fall Fair 2010 I met some awesome people! I met Rockhopper about 10 times and even saw Cena12121 a few times!! But best of all i had an awesome time with my best Club penguin buddy Mini Pengy18. Mini has a cheats site called!! Check out these pictures of Cena and Rockhopper!

Rockhopper says 'So I asked yarr for some stinky cheese'

Enjoy! Pictures of Mini Pengy18 with me will be on the site soon!


New Pin!!!

Hi everyone! There is a new pin on Club Penguin. It is the Fall Fair ticket. It is in the book room on the bookcase. Check it out!



Monday, September 6, 2010

New Prizes!!

Hi penguins! Today Club Penguin cam out with new prizes at the Fall Fair prizes at both the ordinary and member booths.

In the member one there is the popcorn and the balloon along with the blue paddle.

The ordinary booth got a fuzzy blue viking helmet and the sparkly green hat.

Enjoy them while you can! They only last for two more days before the Fair ends!!!


Friday, September 3, 2010

Fall Fair Games and Prizes!

Ok penguins!! The Fall Fair is here and there are so many minigames to play!

1. What: Feed-a-Puffle
Where: The cove
How: Feed different types of puffles until you run out. This games gets the most tickets the fastest.

2. What: Puffle Paddle
Where: The Forest
How: make sure the puffle doesn't drop as you bump it with you paddle.

3. What: Ring the Bell
Where: The Dock
How: Ring the bell as hard as you can to earn 25 Tickets.

4. What: Puffle Shuffle
Where: The Dock
How: try to find the puffles under three black hats.

5. What: Balloon Pop
Where: Special Fun Room accessed from Snow Forts
How: Collect falling tickets in a balloon

6. What: Puffle Soaker
Where: Special Fun Room accessed from Snow Forts
How: Hit the puffles will jets of water but watch out for the beans!

7. What: The Great Puffle Circus
Where: Just off from the forest
How: Watch puffles perform tricks in the big tent!


The ordinary prizes for everyone are at the Forest.

Member Prizes are next to the puffle circus tent which you can get to by going to the forest

Enjoy the Fall Fair
- Periscooper

New Clothing Catalogue

Hi penguins today Club Penguin has released a new clothing catalogue. This one is all about hoodies and summer outfits.

Different colored hoodies (the orange one isn't there though).

To find the ringmaster's clothes click on the tree.

More new outfits.

Click on the yellow penguin's nose to find the candy outfit.

There are also 4 new backgrounds.

- Periscooper


Hi everyone! I found Rockhopper. it was weird because the first time i got the stamp but he wasn't there. Then the second time i actually found him and followed him around and stuff. Here is a picture to prove it.

I hope you find him!
